Are you the parent carer of a SEND child? Please see our upcoming events…
All bookable via our Eventbrite page:
💜 Speech & Language Therapist, Stephanie Kerr-Guest, helps with supporting non-speaking (non-verbal) children
💜 Online Peer support sessions
💜 Best-selling author, Jo Gaunt, talks about her experience working with neurodivergent children and being part of a neurodivergent family.
💜 Creative Counsellor and Outdoor Therapist, Nicola Hughes, brings her experience of raising a neurodivergent family and battling the LA to secure the correct support for her children. Have you a letter that has impacted your wellbeing? Please have paper and pens handy!
💜 Advanced Sensory Integration Practitioner, Beth Smithson, from Sensory Inclusive Schools, will be talking about sensory processing, modulation and its impact.