We are changing the way we run Family Support sessions…
We are now running sessions monthly, but alternating between a general support group and a wellbeing morning. We’ll be bringing in different practitioners for the wellbeing sessions, and providing a buffet lunch on these days. The wellbeing sessions will be bookable and the support group will remain as a drop in.
Here are the dates of the sessions (please note the change of times):
- Weds 2nd October, 10.00-13.00: Wellbeing Session (sound bath)
- Weds 6th November, 10.00-12.00: Parent and Carer support group
- Weds 4th December, 10.00-13.00: Wellbeing Session (TBC)
- January: no session
- Weds 5th February, 10.00-13.00: Wellbeing Session (TBC)
- Weds 5th March, 10.00-12.00: Parent and Carer support group
- Weds 2nd April, 10.00-13.00: Wellbeing Session (TBC)
- Weds 7th May, 10.00-12.00: Parent and Carer support group
- Weds 4th June, 10.00-13.00: Wellbeing Session (TBC)
- Weds 2nd July, 10.00-12.00: Parent and Carer support group
For more information about our family support services, please email: Ali@snapsyorkshire.org