Healthy Lifestyles Course

Healthy Lifestyles Course for people who are learning disabled or/and autistic.

It is a free,14-week course about healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing.

It’s aim is to translate the often hard-to-follow guidance about living a healthy lifestyle into a language our members can follow, and helps them take steps to make it a reality.

The course starts on Wednesday 12th June from 1pm to 3pm at The Old Fire Station in Gipton.

Or watch a video here.

If you would like to refer someone, or yourself for the course, or you would like more information, please email or give us a call on 0113 244 3729.


June 12, 2024 1:30 pm


June 12, 2024 3:30 pm

Fees & Tickets


This event has no entrance fee

Event Venue


The Old Fire Station, Gipton Approach, Leeds, LS9 6NL


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