Makaton Baby Sign

Makaton Signing for Babies and Families is for parents, family members or carers who would like to sign with babies and children in their care and have no previous experience of Makaton. It is designed to encourage the development of communication and language skills in babies and toddlers. All the sessions are fun and interactive and are for parents/carers with their babies. You will learn approximately 100 signs and symbols using songs, games and activities.

Ania will be running this course which involves six 1 hour sessions; it will be running for six weeks from Monday 7th November from 12:30 to 13:30 at Stainbeck Communty Hall.

Places are limited so please book onto the course here to secure your place, or email if you would like more information.


November 7, 2022 12:30 pm


November 7, 2022 1:30 pm

Fees & Tickets


This event has no entrance fee

Event Venue


Stainbeck Communty Hall

