Using the influence of professional sport, the trust is responsible for all community sports and activities on behalf of Huddersfield Giants Rugby League.
Huddersfield Giants Community Trust has the ability to engage people, improve community cohesion, improve fitness and well-being and raise the hopes and aspirations of the people of Kirklees and wider.
The charity uses the power of sport to inspire people of all ages and abilities through key areas in Sport, Health and Social Inclusion Including the National Citizen Scheme. The Trust engages with over 200,000 people every year through sports coaching within The Zone, local schools, grassroots clubs and the wider community.
Multi Sports Inclusion – Our Inclusion programme provides opportunities for disabled people to become actively involved in regular Multi-sporting activities or the chance to coach with HGCT if playing the game isn’t for them.
10:15–11:00 (over 16’s)
17:00–17:45 (under 16’s) cost: £3 per session
National Citizen Service – NCS is an experience designed to make you feel challenged and changed, engaged and empowered. The four-phase programme is just the beginning of an exciting journey that will give you all the confidence and skills you need to seize the future you want.
Stay and Play – Baby and toddler groups are a great place to meet mums with children your child’s age, with your child getting chance to interact and make new friends, by sharing music and songs with your child you are helping develop a number of things including; Social skills; Co-ordination; Listening; Talking; Vocabulary; Self Confidence; Creativity; Imagination.
Mondays & Fridays (Kirklees school term time only)
Time: 9:30am-11:00am
Cost £2.50 per child, includes juice and toast. Sibling just £1.00
Multi-Sensory Room – COMING SOON.
Max Cards – The Max Card is a discount card for foster families and families of children with additional needs. Families simply show their Max Card upon entry to a venue in order to obtain free or discounted admission. The scheme is designed to help these families save money on great days out at castles, zoos, bowling alleys and more. They aim to provide a sense of community through stimulating learning experiences and enjoyable days out for everyone.
Safe Place – HGCT and The Zone is a safe place.Safe Places provides safe havens in busy public places for people to turn to should they need support for any reason such as losing a purse/bus pass, becoming disorientated/lost or being the victim of a crime.