SNOOP is a registered charity based in Eccleshill in Bradford, West Yorkshire and working across the whole of the Bradford Metropolitan District, including Bradford, Keighley, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven. We have been pleased to support families of children and adults with SEND/autism and disabilities for the last 24 years. We operate from a purpose built centre, with fantastic facilities and is fully accessible.
SNOOP provides the following services and support for children with SEND, adults with learning disabilities and/or autism and their parent/carers:
- After School Clubs
- Children’s holiday play schemes 3-16 years
- Adults day services and activities – 16-45 years
- Adults Social Group
- Preparation for Adulthood sessions and support planning for parent carers
- Youth Club
- SEND nursery providing early education funded places for 2,3 and 4 year olds
Founded by the 2 Carols, we have an established reputation for quality and high standard of care and support and are sought externally for respresentation of the voice of young people and parent/carers of people with SEND and learning disabiilties and consultants in learning disabilility. We are very pleased to be part of the WYCANN network to share information and knowledge to enable and empower parent/carers as much as is possible.