Line dancing classes

We are very excited to be bringing you a new opportunity to get moving-with line dancing classes! 

Taking place via zoom, these two sessions should give you a taster of line dancing, from the comfort of your own home.  But most importantly, it will be an opportunity to get together, have some time off and enjoy yourself.

Contact to request your place.  The sessions take place on Thursday 12 & 19 November at 11am lasting approx 40 mins.  You don’t need any special equipment, just some comfy clothes and a clear space to dance in!

This session is accessed over the internet via Zoom. To take part you will need access to a computer, smart phone or tablet. If you need support to get involved, take a look at this helpful guide from People in Action.


November 19, 2020 11:00 am


November 19, 2020 11:40 am

Fees & Tickets


This event has no entrance fee

Event Venue



