Public Transport Workshop by the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds
Wednesday 14th September 2022 – 1:30pm till 4pm
We are recruiting participants for a workshop session on Wednesday 14th September from 13:30 to 16:00. The session will be relaxed, with fun activities designed to help you describe your experience of using public transport. You’ll be given a £25 shopping voucher for attending the workshop, plus we’ll pay reasonable travel costs (bus fares, parking). Tea/Coffee/Water/Biscuits will also be provided. Researchers are interested to know what it has been like to travel on public transport with the person you care for. Ideally you would both attend the workshop but carers can attend alone if taking the person you care for would be difficult. The workshop will take place on The University of Leeds campus in The Institute for Transport Studies at 36-40 University Road, (the building is located very close to the junction of Clarendon Road, University Road and Moorland Road). The room is on the first floor accessible by the stairs or a lift.
Book here: