The SEN Integrated Assessment team would like to take a moment to thank you for your continued support this past year. Our service is growing and evolving, looking at ways in which we can improve our systems and level of communication with children, young people and their families.
With GCSE results day approaching, we would like to offer our support for those with an EHC plan who were in year 11 (academic year Sept 21 to July 22). Our service acknowledges that GCSE results day can create some brand new directions. Our young people may have also changed their minds or their interests may have evolved and they wish to study a different course, at a different college.
By the 31 March 2022, the SEN Integrated Assessment Team named a post 16 setting in your young person’s EHC plan. If, following GCSE results day, you will be unable to attend this setting due to grade boundaries or changes in interest, then our service will need to place fresh consultations to providers.
On Friday 26 August (9am until 4pm), the service will be available for drop in sessions at Margret McMillian Tower to place consultations to different providers.
Enter through the main entrance of Margret McMillian Tower where you will need to sign in. We will be based on the ground floor in The View Room. This room is accessible for wheelchairs. Although we can’t make recommendations, we will have a list of different colleges and registered training providers. You may wish to conduct your own research about these places then request us to consult.
SENDIASS will also be available on the day also for independent advice and support.